Posted in 100-Word Stories, Writing Ideas and Prompts

The Internet Thingy

We sat at Great Grandma’s feet as she told us again about when she was a little girl and all the houses had something called electricity. 

“It was wonderful,” she said, “At a flick of a switch we could light all our rooms and heat them. We’d watch TV and cook meals in our microwaves. Such happy times.”

I  tried not to yawn but I knew what was coming next, it was always the same. She’d go on for ages about strange machines called computers and some Internet thingy. 

I often wonder where Great Grandma gets these weird stories from.

A 100-word story for this week’s prompt at Friday Fictioneers.

PHOTO PROMPT © Rochelle Wisoff-Fields


Hello, my name is Mike Jackson. If you have any comments about the post you have just read I'd love to read them.

22 thoughts on “The Internet Thingy

      1. Indeedy, so… solar flares do have a propensity for inducing EMP (electo-magnetic pulse) similiar to what happens after a nuke… They’ll also mess with tides, jet stream, possibly even temperatures… would have to do some more research on them, methinks.


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